Publications by Virginia Shiller, Ph.D.
Shiller, V. The Attachment Bond: Affectional Ties across the Lifespan, Rowman & Littlefield 2017.
Shiller, V. (with Schneider, M.) (2003). Rewards for kids! Ready-to-use charts & activities for positive parenting. Washington, D.C. APA LifeTools. (translations in Italian, Chinese, and Spanish).
Journal Articles:
Berg-Cross, L. & Shiller, V. (1985). Divorce and subsequent custody arrangements: Implications for development and opportunities for preventive and interventive helping. In M. Bloom (Ed.), Life Span Development: Bases for Preventive and Interventive Helping (Second Edition). Macmillan.
O’Flynn, J. & Shiller, V. (2008). Should rewards have a place in early child programs? A re-examination of the issues. YC (Young Children), November, 88-93.
Shiller, R. & Shiller, V. Economists as Worldly Philosophers. The American Economic Review, 2011. (Spanish translation, 2013).
Shiller, V. (2011). Latency-aged children with attachment disturbances: A conjoint treatment model. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 65, 175-211.
Shiller, V. (2008). Therapeutic work with a physically abused preschooler. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 63, 83-110.
Shiller, V. (2007). Comment: Science and advocacy issues in research on children of gay and lesbian parents. American Psychologist, 62, 712-713.
Shiller, V. (2002). Interventions with children and adolescents: The current state of knowledge. Contemporary Psychology: The APA Review of Books, 47, 8-11.
Shiller, V. (1986). Joint versus maternal custody for families with latency age boys: Parent characteristics and child adjustment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 56, 486‑489.
Shiller, V. (1986). Loyalty conflicts and family relationships in latency age boys: A comparison of joint and maternal custody. Journal of Divorce, 9, 17‑38.
Shiller,V., Izard, C., & Hembree, E. (1986). Patterns of emotion expression during separation in the strange situation procedure. Developmental Psychology, 22, 378‑382.
Shiller, V. Joint and maternal custody: The outcome for boys aged 6‑11 and their parents.” Resources in Education, Counseling and Personnel Services Clearinghouse, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 261 273).
Masters and Doctoral Research:
Ph.D dissertation: Joint and maternal custody: The outcome for boys aged 6‑11 and their parents. (1984).
Master’s thesis: Patterns of facial expression of emotion during separation and the organization of attachment behaviors. (1981).